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France's greatest footballer

  • 1 great

    great [greɪt] (compar greater, superl greatest)
    (a) (in size, scale) grand;
    the great fire of London le grand incendie de Londres (qui, en 1666, détruisit les trois quarts de la ville, et notamment la cathédrale Saint-Paul);
    he made a great effort to be nice il a fait un gros effort pour être agréable
    (b) (in degree) grand;
    a great friend un grand ami;
    they're great friends ce sont de grands amis;
    great ignorance une grande ignorance, une ignorance complète;
    there's great ignorance about the problem les gens ne sont pas conscients du problème;
    great willpower une volonté de fer;
    she's got great willpower elle est très volontaire;
    to my great satisfaction à ma grande satisfaction;
    a great surprise une grande surprise;
    with great care avec grand soin, avec beaucoup de soin;
    with great pleasure avec grand plaisir;
    it is no great matter ce n'est pas une grosse affaire;
    to be in great pain souffrir (beaucoup);
    to reach a great age parvenir à un âge avancé;
    to have a great opinion of sb/sth avoir une haute opinion de qn/qch;
    I have a great liking for that country j'aime beaucoup ce pays
    a great quantity of une grande quantité de;
    a great number of un grand nombre de;
    a great crowd une grande ou grosse foule, une foule nombreuse;
    to a great extent, in great part en grande partie;
    the great majority la grande majorité
    (d) (important → person, event) grand;
    a great man un grand homme;
    Alfred the Great Alfred le Grand;
    a great poet un grand poète;
    a great lady une grande dame;
    a great moment un grand moment;
    a great occasion une grande occasion;
    a great house une grande demeure
    the great hall la grande salle, la salle principale;
    France's greatest footballer le plus grand footballeur français
    (f) familiar (term of approval) génial, super;
    she has a great voice elle a une voix magnifique ;
    he's a great guy c'est un type super ou génial;
    she's great! (nice person) elle est super!;
    to have a great time bien s'amuser ;
    we had a great holiday nous avons passé des vacances merveilleuses ;
    what's that film like? - great! comment est ce film? - génial!;
    it would be great to have lots of money ce serait super d'avoir beaucoup d'argent;
    the great thing is that… le grand avantage ou ce qui est bien, c'est que… ;
    I feel great! je me sens super bien!;
    you look great tonight! (in appearance) tu es magnifique ce soir!;
    ironic he's coming too - oh, great! il vient aussi - oh, génial ou super!
    she's a great reader elle adore lire, elle lit beaucoup;
    she's a great one for television elle adore la télévision;
    ironic she's a great one for borrowing things without asking people elle est spécialiste pour emprunter les choses sans demander l'autorisation
    he's great at languages il est très doué pour les langues ;
    she's great on sculpture elle s'y connaît vraiment en sculpture ;
    she's great at making the past come alive elle arrive merveilleusement bien à faire revivre le passé
    the great apes les grands singes mpl
    2 noun
    (person) he's one of the greats of world cinema c'est l'un des grands noms du cinéma mondial;
    it's one of the all-time greats c'est un des plus grands classiques;
    she's one of the all-time greats c'est une des plus grandes stars;
    the great and the good (people) les gens mpl influents
    (as intensifier) a great big fish un énorme poisson;
    an enormous great house une maison immense;
    familiar you great fat slob! espèce de gros lard!
    University = examen final d'un diplôme de langues classiques et de philosophie à l'université d'Oxford
    ►► Ornithology great auk grand pingouin m;
    Great Australian Bight Grande Baie f Australienne;
    the Great Barrier Reef la Grande Barrière;
    the Great Basin le Grand Bassin;
    Astronomy the Great Bear la Grande Ourse;
    Great Bear Lake le Grand Lac de l'Ours;
    Ornithology great black-backed gull goéland m marin;
    Great Britain Grande-Bretagne f;
    in Great Britain en Grande-Bretagne;
    Ornithology great bustard outarde f barbue;
    great circle grand cercle m;
    Ornithology great cormorant grand cormoran m;
    Ornithology great crested glebe grèbe m huppé;
    Great Dane danois m;
    the Great Depression la grande dépression des années 30;
    the Great Divide = chaîne de montagnes dans le nord des États-Unis marquant la ligne de partage des eaux entre l'Atlantique et le Pacifique;
    the Great Exhibition = grande exposition sur les progrès de la technique et de l'industrie pour laquelle fut construit, en 1851, le Crystal Palace de Hyde Park;
    History the Great Famine la Grande Famine (en Irlande, de 1845 à 1849);
    Great Glen Great Glen m, Glen m More (grande ligne de faille parcourant l'Écosse du nord-est au sud-ouest);
    Ornithology great grey shrike pie-grièche f grise;
    History the Great Hunger la Grande Famine (en Irlande, de 1845 à 1849);
    the Great Lakes les Grands Lacs mpl;
    the Great Lake State = surnom donné au Michigan;
    History the Great Leap Forward le Grand Bond en avant;
    Ornithology great northern diver plongeon m imbrin;
    great organ grand orgue m; (in church) grandes orgues fpl;
    the Great Plains les Grandes Plaines fpl;
    Great Power grande puissance f;
    the Great Powers les grandes puissances fpl;
    Ornithology great reed warbler rousserolle f turdoïde;
    Geography the Great Rift Valley la Rift Valley, la Great Rift Valley;
    American great room séjour m cathédrale, French Canadian salle f de séjour à toit cathédral;
    the Great Salt Lake le Grand Lac Salé;
    great seal Grand Sceau m;
    Ornithology great skua labbe m cataracte, grand labbe m;
    the Great Slave Lake le Grand Lac des Esclaves;
    the Great Smoky Mountains les Smoky Mountains fpl;
    Ornithology great snipe bécassine f double;
    Ornithology great spotted cuckoo coucou-geai m;
    Ornithology great spotted woodpecker (pic m) épeiche f;
    Ornithology great tit mésange f charbonnière, charbonnier m;
    the Great Wall of China la Grande Muraille (de Chine);
    the Great War la Grande Guerre, la guerre de 14 ou de 14-18;
    American familiar the Great White Way Broadway ;
    Zoology great white shark grand requin m blanc
    ✾ Book 'Great Expectations' Dickens 'Les Grandes Espérances'
    ✾ Book ✾ Film 'The Great Gatsby' Fitzgerald, Clayton 'Gatsby le Magnifique'
    ✾ Film 'The Great Escape' Sturges 'La Grande Évasion'
    THE GREAT FAMINE La famine qui sévit en Irlande en 1845 (époque à laquelle ce pays faisait encore partie de l'Empire britannique), fut provoquée par la maladie de la pomme de terre, aliment de base de la population paysanne. Appelée également "the Great Hunger", cette catastrophe plongea le pays dans la misère: elle fit un million de morts et contraignit plus d'un million de personnes à émigrer aux États-Unis et au Canada.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > great

  • 2 il

    art m sg the
    il signor Conte Mr Conte
    il martedì on Tuesdays
    3000 lire il chilo 3000 lire a kilo
    mi piace il caffè I like coffee
    * * *
    il1 art.det.m.sing.
    1 the: il buono e il cattivo, the good and the bad; il principio e la fine, the beginning and the end; il rovescio della medaglia, the other side of the coin; il punto di partenza, the starting point; il Mar Mediterraneo, the Mediterranean Sea; il Canale della Manica, the English Channel; il Capo di Buona Speranza, the Cape of Good Hope; il Po è più lungo del Tevere, the Po is longer than the Tiber; il re di Francia, the king of France; il Principe di Galles, the Prince of Wales; il Primo Ministro britannico, the British Prime Minister; Alfredo il Grande, Alfred the Great; il cielo è sereno, the sky is clear; il sole era già alto sull'orizzonte, the sun was already high above the horizon; il signore in prima fila è il prefetto, the man in the front row is the Prefect; è il primo nell'elenco, he's the first on the list; il film più premiato dell'anno, the most highly acclaimed film of the year; ti rendo il libro che mi hai prestato, I'm giving you back the book you lent me; il ventesimo secolo, the twentieth century; la scuola riprende il 1o di settembre, school starts again on 1st September (letto September the first); il leone è simbolo di forza, the lion is a symbol of strength
    2 (spesso non si traduce): il signor Rossi, Mr Rossi; il dottor Bianchi, Dr Bianchi; il tenente Brown, Lieutenant Brown; il re Giorgio III, King George III; il Presidente Bush, President Bush; il Giappone, Japan; il Monte Bianco, Mont Blanc; il giorno di Natale, Christmas Day; nel 1989, in 1989; il mese prossimo, scorso, next, last month; il museo resta chiuso il lunedì, the museum is closed on Mondays; il golf è lo sport nazionale degli Scozzesi, golf is the Scottish national sport; il latte è un alimento completo, milk is a meal in itself; il calcio e il magnesio sono elementi chimici, calcium and magnesium are chemical elements; prendiamo il tè alle cinque, we have tea at 5 o'clock; il pranzo è servito, dinner is served; (il) viaggiare arricchisce la mente, travel broadens the mind; adoro il giallo, I love yellow; studia il tedesco e il russo, he studies German and Russian; il consumismo è un tipico aspetto della vita moderna, consumerism is a typical aspect of life today; il mio orologio è fermo, my watch has stopped; il padre di Enrico, Henry's father; il Verga è il massimo esponente del verismo italiano, Verga is the greatest exponent of Italian realism
    3 (si traduce con un agg. poss.): lui è italiano, il padre e la madre sono tedeschi, he's Italian, but his mother and father are German; devo mettere il vestito nuovo?, shall I wear my new dress?; togliti il soprabito, take your coat off; quanto zucchero metti nel caffè?, how much sugar do you put in your coffee?; non mettere il naso nelle faccende che non ti riguardano, don't poke your nose into other people's business // perdere il lume della ragione, to lose one's reason (o to go off one's mind)
    4 (si traduce con l'art. indef.) a, an: il serpente è un rettile, a snake is a reptile; il farmacista vende medicinali, a chemist sells medicines; per eseguire questo calcolo occorre il computer, you need a calculator for this sum; ha il naso affilato, he's got a sharp nose; abbiamo una casa col giardino davanti, we have a house with a garden in front; il nonno fumava il sigaro, my grandfather smoked a cigar; da grande vuol fare il calciatore, he wants to be a footballer when he grows up; chiedere il divorzio, to ask for a divorce
    5 (si traduce con il partitivo) some, any: hai comprato il sale?, have you bought any salt?; devo scendere in cantina a prendere il vino, I must go down to the cellar for some wine; questa pentola non ha il coperchio, this pan hasn't got any lid
    6 (con valore distr.) a, an: le rose costano dieci euro il mazzo, the roses cost ten euros a bunch; guadagna 1.800 euro al mese, he earns 1,800 euros a month.
    il2 pron.pers.m. 3a pers.sing.compl.ogg. (ant.) him, it.
    * * *
    articolo determinativo maschile singolare (il, lo, la; pl. , gli, le; in the masculine, il is used before a consonant sound, except before s followed by a consonant, and before gn, pn, ps, x and z; lo is used before a vowel sound - in the form l' -, before s followed by a consonant, and before gn, pn, ps, x and z; la is used in the feminine, but the form l' is used before a vowel) the spesso omesso
    * * *
    (il, lo, la; pl. i, gli, le; in the masculine, il is used before a consonant sound, except before s followed by a consonant, and before gn, pn, ps, x and z; lo is used before a vowel sound - in the form l' -, before s followed by a consonant, and before gn, pn, ps, x and z; la is used in the feminine, but the form l' is used before a vowel) the spesso omesso.
    See also notes... (il.pdf)

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > il

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